With summer now in full swing, you are faced with another set of challenges as the property manager for an apartment community. You need to ensure that your curb appeal is high and your landscaping pulls people in.

Here are some summer landscaping tips you can invest in for your apartment community.

Water the Lawn

You don’t need to blow your budget during the summer trying to come up with fancy landscaping ideas. It really comes down to the simple things to make your community shine. Start by watering the lawn. This can maximize your curb appeal and save time and money when it comes time for your lawn professionals to come in and do their job.

Start with an early morning watering routine with a deep watering every three days. Deep watering will prove to be more beneficial than daily light watering.

Regularly Mow

Have your landscaping company come and mow the lawn regularly throughout the summer. Keeping the lawn at the optimal length enhances curb appeal and shows you take care of your community. It also allows you to avoid lawn complications later on, like brown and patchy grass.

Set a schedule for mowing with your landscaping company and stick to that schedule. Just avoid letting the grass get too high because it will begin to look very unkempt and unappealing to a potential resident passing by.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Summer often brings thunderstorms, so to prepare, you want to make sure all your trees and shrubs are trimmed down. This can help cut down on any damage there may be during summer storms. Trimming these can also help cut down on the bugs and pests that may want to visit the property.

Work Closely With Your Landscaping Company

Above all, work together with your landscaping company to come up with the best plan to keep your community looking its best. You can come up with a schedule for the services you wish to have during the summer. You will find the investment in money, time, and effort will be well worth it as you keep up your curb appeal and keep the potential residents flooding in for visits.

For more tips on increasing occupancy, contact the professionals at Occupancy Solutions, LLC.