Help Your Team To Work Better Together

A team that works better together is a team that's primed for success. In community management, this is even more important. Teams that work well together have a direct impact on your ability to create the kind of organic community appeal that embodies the best neighborhood atmosphere for your residents. How can you help your team to work better together? We at have a few ideas that could help.
First and foremost, setting clear roles is crucial to bettering teamwork in community management. Without it, you're likely to have team members "bumping heads" trying to figure out who does what, who should be where, and where someone is most useful during the day to day or while working on a project. As the community manager, stating and outlining who is doing what can help to build the kind of foundation for making great teamwork easier.
All work and no play can lead to burnout quickly in any team, and community management teams are no exception. Encourage social interaction and rapport building within your teams and embrace these as productive periods even if they don't always look like it. Long potluck lunches, chats around the watercooler, and happy hours bring your team closer together, making working together something that everyone looks forward to. Building real care and relationships within the team lets every member of that team bring out the best in one another.
Another thing community managers can do to build better teams is to encourage asking for help, and not just from themselves. Teams should be encouraged to ask for help from one another, creating a network of professionals who are comfortable working together for the very best results. For instance, a marketing team may benefit from asking for help from the maintenance team while they create the monthly resident newsletter outlining updates throughout the community. Additionally, a customer service employee may turn to a social media manager for help in addressing common resident concerns.
Lastly, community managers should seek out consistent feedback from their teams. This lets them know what any pain points may be, and how they can be better addressed going forward. Quarterly surveys that go out to all teams regarding teamwork, tasks, and goals can be one of your most useful tools in building consistently better teams.
At we can help you to build community management teams who work together seamlessly. To learn more about effective ways to encourage better teamwork, contact us today.