A prospective resident tour is an opportunity to make a great first impression. At OccupancySolutions.com, we know how a tour can make or break the impression you leave on prospective residents, which is why we want to ensure you make the most out of every community tour you provide. A few tips for giving your best prospective resident tour yet are:

•  Start with warmth – Those first few seconds you spend meeting a prospective resident are without a doubt the most important. You want your prospects to feel important, you want them to feel valued, and, most of all, you want them to feel like they could be a part of the community you’ve built. Tours should always start with a warm smile, relaxed communication, and a handshake to ensure you set the tone for a comfortable, informative, and fun experience.

•  Tailor your tour to your prospect – A single prospective resident in their 20’s and without children may not have much interest in learning all about your community playground. A family with a cat likely won’t take much interest in seeing the local community dog park. Every prospect is different, and because of this every tour should be different as well. Take the time to get to know your prospects, and craft a tour that really caters to what they need out of their ideal community.

•  Give time for exploration – You want your prospects to feel comfortable and valued, and rushing a tour or a prospect around gives the exact opposite impression. Make sure you give any touring prospect time to explore an area they’re interested in. Be available for questions but allow them to take the lead in how they wish to explore the space. The more they explore, the more they’re able to picture themselves calling your community home.

At OccupancySolutions.com we know how important a great tour is to community management teams and prospects alike. By tailoring your tour, making it a warm experience, and offering plenty of freedom, you can build the kind of experience that allows prospects to get to know your community in a meaningful way. To learn more about giving your best community tours, contact us at OccupancySolutions.com today.