Working as a manager in the hospitality industry is always a challenge. Aside from managing staff, there is also a customer-centric element to keep guests happy. If you have a small hotel and think it’s time to bring up some new managers, here are a few tips to help the transition.

Training Is Still Required

Just because someone is transitioning into a management role within a job they are familiar with; doesn’t mean they will embrace the role. In addition to already understanding the hospitality business from the ground level, which is a plus, new managers should still be trained in management itself. Handling staff, new administrative duties and other tasks should not be things a new manager has to be self-taught.

Avoid Micromanaging

This may be a challenge for some new managers if they are used to doing a job a particular way and see other employees doing it differently. However, one of the best skills a new manager can learn is delegating tasks and allowing people to get about the business of doing their jobs.

As long as employees do their job in a way that gets results, the fine details of how they do it shouldn’t matter. This ends up benefiting everyone.

Remind Them They Are Role-Models

How a new manager acts in front of everyone will affect the work culture. A manager that deals with guests with impatience and rudeness will communicate to employees that this is acceptable. Similarly, a manager who handles guest issues with patience and grace will set an example for the employees.

Managers should always be aware that their actions will set the tone for the rest of the work culture. This is especially true in a smaller hotel setting. Be diligent about reminding your managers that how they act will influence employee action and morale.

If you need help improving your small hotel management techniques, contact Occupancy Solutions.