Renting your property is a big step, and you need to make sure you screen potential tenants to avoid a lot of mishaps. These tips will help you find your ideal tenant, and save money in unnecessary court fees.

1. Proof of Identity Is A Must

Before you discuss your requirements for move in, ask potential tenants for at least two forms of identification. One of the last things you want to deal with are identity issues. A social security card and ID are the two most common forms of identification. A birth certificate is another form of identification that may be used in addition to an ID or social security card.

2. Contact Previous Landlord

Contacting the previous landlord gives you insight on the tenant, including if they paid rent on time, if they took care of the home, and if they were pleasant. You don't want to rent to someone who will destroy your property, and cause a lot of money for repairs.

3. Verify Employment and Income

You want to make sure the tenant can afford to pay the rent as well as utilities. Check their employment history to see how long they have been working at their current job. The tenant's job history should be stable with at least one year at their workplace.

4. Perform A Background Check

A background check should be performed for safety and security. You should make sure the tenant does not have harsh criminal activity on their background, including drugs, and sex offenses. 

Your ideal tenants are out there, but you have to make sure you screen all potential tenants to get them. Make sure you have everything in writing and the tenant signs the paperwork. You need at least two copies of your agreement.

If you need a property management consultant, contact the team at Occupancy Solutions today!