You can spend a lot of money on marketing your property each year, but why? Free marketing ideas are available now more than ever. Try out a few of these low cost or even free marketing solutions and save yourself some money in the budget this year.

Word Of Mouth

Get the community talking about your company. Host a fundraiser to benefit the local community. Hold a collection drive for your local soup kitchen. Ask your satisfied customers to spread the good word for you. Word of mouth advertising is free, and people tend to trust opinions that come from family and friends.

Social Media

This is a great way to reach the younger generations. Start up a social media account for your property. Share photos, quotes, links to articles and your websites. You can even start a blog to keep your readers coming back for more. The more interactions they have with your company, the more they are going to be thinking about you and your properties. You can start up an account for free, or you can pay a small fee for a promoted advertisement.

Make A Video

Make a video to be posted on the social media sites. You can just use your cell phone, and then upload the video to different sites. Put it on your homepage of your website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more. People will enjoy watching you show off your properties, and it may intrigue them to come take a closer look. Add in a little bit of humor and you’ll have them coming back for more every time.

Email Blast

Send out an email blast to local businesses, clients, past buyers and more. Send them updates on what your company is doing. Maybe you want to promote that fundraising event you are hosting, or the video that you have just made. Email is free and can get people talking about what you have to offer.

Local Sponsorship

This one depends on the amount of money you are willing to spend, but it can pay off in the long run. Sponsor a local baseball team, or a soccer team. Sponsor a local event being put on by other members of your community. They will happily plaster your company’s name all over their marketing materials, leading to your name getting out there faster.

These are just a few places to start your marketing campaign. If you don't’ know much about social media, find someone who can teach you. Occupancy Solutions has all the information you need to get started today. Fill out our contact form on our website so we can get in touch and help you spread the word today!