Making The Most Out Of Your Community Brochure

A great brochure is an eye-catching way to reach out to prospective residents all throughout your area. It’s a window into the experience you offer with your community, and they can be placed all around the region to grab the attention of just the people you’re looking to attract. With brochures placed with other local businesses, in community spaces, or on local bulletin boards, you’re getting word out about your community in an organic, noninvasive, and attractive way.
Your community brochure is only going to be as effective as you allow it to be. A community brochure that is difficult to follow, not eye-catching enough, or doesn’t quite stand out isn’t one that is going to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts. At, we have a few tips on creating the best brochure to market your brand and your community:
• Figure out your objective first – Who are you looking to attract? What do you want this brochure to do? What impression should it make? Your objectives should be laid out even before you choose the first photograph or write out the first blurb. Without direction, your brochure is more likely to be passed up or forgotten about altogether because it’s simply not driving your audiences to take the next step.
• Know how to reach your audiences – Just because you have and objective, and you have a demographic you wish to reach, that doesn’t mean you always know how to attract them. Take time to really get to know your audience. What attracts them? What stands out? What are they looking for and how can you communicate what you offer to them?
• Let your brand shine – Your brand should shine from every corner of your brochure. The fonts, colors, and layouts you select should be representative of your brand identity. This communicates the brand, both plainly and subconsciously, all throughout your brochure, making your brand image difficult to forget.
• Keep it short and simple – Your words should be concise, your layout should be easy to follow, and you don’t have to lay out every detail in your brochure. Important information relayed in a friendly way is enough, along with plenty of valuable imagery your audiences can follow. With your contact information on the brochure, any additional questions or details can be addressed when prospects contact you to learn more.
At we want to help your community to create materials that speak to audiences using your unique brand voice. To learn more about creating eye-catching brochures, or any other community marketing materials, contact us at today.