Social media is excellent for giving communities and community managers a voice, and it can also provide a way to retain residents as well. With social media, current residents have a place to gather, prospective ones a place to see more about your community, and you a place to communicate all you wish to communicate to both parties! The new big thing in social media for community managers right now is Pinterest, and it’s can be used for a lot more than just recipes and crafts!

Pinterest uses photos, but not quite like Instagram, and it focuses more on the creation of photo boards that can be shared across users. In terms of marketing your community, there are several ways you can use Pinterest in order to really get your message across, and how you should be going about your Pinterest account is:

  • With designated boards – Do you run multiple communities? With Pinterest, you can easily create designated boards for each community you’re in charge of, and keep them all organized really simply. Use photos and information relating to each individual community on their own pin board, and relevant information can be found by current and prospective residents alike.
  • With links – Pinterest, along with photos, also allows you to attach information and links very easily to the simple to pin pictures. What this allows you to do is show a picture and provide a place to go to learn more, thus driving more traffic to your general website or “contact us” page.
  • Interact – Pinterest also allows comment sections on pinned pictures, and you can use these to interact with those who may have questions regarding your boards, your community, or anything at all. Like with Facebook or Twitter, Pinterest offers community managers a really unique and effective way to engage with their public.

When you think of using social media for your community, you may think of some of the other big ones first. Facebook may be a given, Twitter could be a perfect fit, and Instagram can suit you really well, but paying close attention to social media trends can also help you to put yourself right where your audience is. Pinterest is a huge trend right now in many demographics, and you can take advantage of it while your community reaps the benefits! To learn more about using Pinterest or any social media platform to market your community, simply check us out at today!