Proven Marketing Strategies To Show Off Your Community In 2024

The world of community marketing is a fast-paced one, and this rings especially true in today’s tech savvy world. How prospective residents look for a new community today looks much different for many when compared to just 10 years ago, and we at want to help today’s management teams to stay on top of the latest trends. A few proven marketing strategies to show off your community in an accessible way in 2024 are:
1. Keep your online listings detailed – In 2024, most prospective residents look online first before going anywhere else as they look for a new community to call home. Rather than looking for a photo in a local brochure, they’re going to take to search engines and browse your website instead. For this reason, it’s crucial to keep your listings as detailed and as interesting as possible. Use descriptive words, plenty of photos, and outline every detail of your property to entice online prospects to make the trip for a tour.
2. Invest your efforts in social media – Social media is where most people spend their leisure time online. Whether it’s an hour of scrolling on a lazy Sunday afternoon, or a quick “mental break” for five minutes at the office, billions check their social media accounts every day. Social media has been a must for community marketing teams for several years now, and it’s no less important to invest your time and effort into for 2024.
3. Use your reviews – Reviews are more important than ever in 2024. Before making a commitment to visit, prospective residents want to know what they can expect from your community. If they don’t like what they see in the reviews, they’re unlikely to put forth the effort for a tour. On the other side, if they see plenty of positive reviews, your community immediately becomes more intriguing. Even if your listings lack detail, showcasing positive reviews can be an effective selling point.
Marketing your community to a modern audience is key to staying ahead of the curve. For more marketing ideas for your community throughout 2024, contact us at today.