Getting Your Community Involved With Local Charities
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Residents often love getting involved and giving back, and working with local charities looks great for community management teams, too. It’s one way to get your name out there, create a positive association with your brand, and better your local area all at once. If you’ve never been involved with a local charity before, you may be wondering where to start and what the best way to go about volunteering may be. At we have a few tips to get you started:
- Let your residents choose the charity – Getting residents involved turns a community management effort into a full community effort. On your social media group, at a resident meeting, in an e-mail, or any way you typically communicate with your residents, encourage a brainstorming session regarding what local charities your community should connect with. When making the final selection, host a poll and go with the most popular pick. You can stick with one charity or select several throughout the year to attend or volunteer at different events.
- Host an event – A great way to get involved is to donate both your property and your time. If you have a clubhouse or other public access space, you can use it to host an event to benefit the charity of your choice. This could mean hosting a silent auction, a bingo night, a dance or a social, holiday events, or any sort of fun activity you can work with the charity on together.
- Get management and residents working together at community events – If charities in your area host events around the community, getting your management team and interested residents volunteering together builds connections, gets your community name out there, and does authentic good for your area as a whole. Your community may even invest in matching shirts or hats to look the part of a connected team as you represent your brand.
At we know that doing your part and marketing your community are two things that can go hand in hand. For more ideas regarding using community service as a way to give back and market your brand at the same time, contact us today.