Nowadays most people look at rental spaces online before setting an appointment to see the available space in person. So it is more important than ever to utilize online marketing to increase your occupancy. However, with so many rental companies advertising on the Internet, it can be challenging to make your company stand out against all the competition. Here are three simple strategies you can use to engage potential renters and increase your occupancy rates.

1. Improve Your SEO

Search Engine Optimization, also called SEO, is a series of keywords that are incorporated into both the backend and the content of your webpage. These keywords are used by search engines like Google to make sure that when people make queries they get accurate results. When putting together your advertisement or your website, make sure that you do some research on how to effectively use keywords so that when potential occupants search for rentals in your area, yours come up in the results.

2. Mobile Optimize Your Website

Any more people browse the Internet on their smartphones. In fact 96% of all people use their smartphones as the primary means of Internet browsing. With so many people using their smartphones, you want to make sure that your website and any listing you post is mobile optimized and easy to read on smartphones. If users cannot view your postings on their phones, they will get frustrated and move on which creates a lot of missed opportunity.

3. Use Gorgeous Pictures

The Internet is a visual medium. Though accurate and update descriptions are important for when users are engaged enough to want to learn more, images are what are going to catch their eye. Here are some tips on how to make a big impact with your online listing photography. If you provide people with beautiful pictures of the space, they will be much more inclined to call to set up an appointment.

Your online presence is very important. These three simple tips will help you improve your online presence so you can reach more potential residents. If you are looking for more great online marketing ideas to boost your occupancy rates, check out Occupancy Solutions. We have a lot of experience in helping companies and landlords promote their rentals online and can help you increase your occupancy through smart online marketing solutions.