5 Ways To Increase The Real Value Of Your Community

Value means a great deal in the community management world. It’s monetary value, but it’s also curb appeal value, renewal value, and the sort of community value that attracts others’ attention to your community when they’re looking for a new place to call home. At OccupancySolutions.com, we know how important increasing the value of your community is in such a competitive space. 5 ways to increase the real value of your community are:
1. Invest in internal renovation – Whether it’s your residences, a community center, or the office, keeping your community updated is a concrete way to increase value and draw interest in your community. An updated, modern, and clean space that looks like plenty of care has gone into its upkeep is a sure way to make an impact on prospective residents coming for tours. Current residents will appreciate the investment and share with family and friends how well cared for the property is.
2. Take care of parking – Parking is a big deal for any community. Residents don’t want the added stress of trying to find a place to park when they come home from a long day at work, and they don’t want to have to explain complicated parking if they’re expecting to have guests. Increasing parking, accepting parking feedback, and taking care of potholes in parking lots goes a long way.
3. Invest in washers and dryers – While individual washer and dryer hookups may not be possible in your residences, that doesn’t mean you can’t have laundry facilities on site. Laundry facilities can be an amenity that really increases the interest from prospective residents, and families in particular.
4. Improve lighting – Lighting is a huge deal for many residents and prospects. It makes residents feel safer going to and from at night, and it encourages them to use walkways and community amenities after the sun goes down. Additionally, better lighting increases your curb appeal in a real way, allowing your community to be seen well during the day or at night.
5. Reservable social spaces – Social spaces around a community could mean a clubhouse, a pool, a game room, a media center, or even a playground. They encourage community togetherness, and they add a bit of fun for your residents. Having these as rentable spaces encourages your residents to invite others to your community for celebrations, creating organic interest and familiarity.
For more ideas to bring real value to your community, contact us at OccupancySolutions.com today.