While spring and summer may be the most popular marketing seasons for communities, that doesn’t mean that winter and fall are off seasons! We at Occupancy Solutions have ideas that you can use for every season, and we want to break them down for you so you can keep your marketing fun all year long. 

For the winter, you’re going to be competing with both the holiday season and the cold. That being said, you can still stand out while prospects are busy and staying inside, and it all boils down to a little fun and creativity. One idea you can use is banding together and building a snowman, if you’re in a snowy area, right near your community sign. Have your snowman hold a welcome sign, and it can draw in quite a bit of fun curb appeal! If you’re not in a snowy region, another great idea is to market at local businesses patrons like to visit in the winter, like the local ice skating rink or a favorite diner where locals like to warm up with a cup of coffee or cocoa. 

In the spring, things get a little simpler, and with the warm weather returning, there are plenty of ways you can market your community. One great idea is offering gardening classes in your community, and allowing residents and prospects alike to join together to learn a thing or two about planting for the new season. Another idea you can use is a “spring cleanout” event, where your community hosts a neighborhood-wide yard sale welcoming locals to come in, take a look, and meet with their would-be neighbors. 

The summer also offers a ton of marketing potential, as people will naturally be out and about already, and time seems to slow down as the weather heats up. During the summer, you can post advertisements for your community at local ice cream shops, or even host your own ice cream party event for your residents and their guests. If your community has a pool, hosting a pool party to the public may be a great way to draw interest in, and if you don’t have a pool, a block party can do the trick as well! 

During the fall, things begin to get a little more difficult leading up to the winter slow season. That being said, this doesn’t mean there aren’t fun marketing ideas you can use. Hosting a local trick-or-treat event for your community can really draw families to come and visit, and a pumpkin or scarecrow festival where residents can get creative can do a great job of painting your community in a positive light as well. 

At Occupancy Solutions, we want you to know that you can be fun and creative with your marketing all throughout the year. To learn more ways to market your community through any season, simply check us out at OccupancySolutions.com today!