Online reviews can be incredibly nerve-wracking for property managers.  We’ve all heard the nightmare story of one bad online review destroying a company.  This is because most companies do not have a strategy to combat negative online reviews.  However, with a little effort you can manage your online reviews and ensure that visitors do not have a bad picture of your company.

Read Your Reviews

The most important thing you can do is to be aware of what people are writing.  This means that you need to constantly check your online reviews.  If you know what people are writing about your company, managing your online reviews is much easier.

Expect Bad Reviews

No business can make everyone happy.  There will always be someone who does not like your company and most people only post a review when they are unhappy with their service. So do not be caught off guard by a bad review.  Instead read what the client has to say and investigate the legitimacy of their claims.  It’s easy to be insulted and dismiss them as invalid, but it’s better to take their negative review as an opportunity for improvement.

Respond To Bad Reviews

You should have a strategy for responding to online reviews.  Whether you respond on the website or contact the client directly, you should address their concerns.  Most people just want to be heard and if you show you are listening, they may even change their review to a positive one.

Represent Your Brand

When responding to online reviews, remember this is an extension of your customer service.  Make sure that your responses represent your brand.  Do not try to fix every problem or fight with every bad reviewer.  Focus on staying on message with all of your clients, regardless of how they’ve reviewed your company.

Ask For Reviews

One great way to manage your online reviews is to ask for reviews from satisfied clients.  Do you have renters who have rented from you for years?  Has someone recently remarked on the beautiful landscape or the cleanliness of the hallways?  Encourage them to write an online review for you.  This ensures a more balanced perspective of your property.

Build Your Reputation Online

Having an active, positive presence on the internet and social media can help strengthen your brand.  If the only thing anyone knows of your company is the client reviews, you are letting them determine your brand messaging.  Instead if you manage your online presence, then you have more control over people’s opinions.  If you are constantly engaging them and building strong relationships, they will be more likely to give you a positive review.

If you follow these steps and put together a strategy for managing your online reviews, you can ensure that you maintain a positive brand image online.  If you have been experiencing bad reviews or do not know how to create a strong online brand presence, Occupancy Solutions can help.  Our experienced marketing staff can work with your company to put together a great strategy tailored your business.  So don’t let online reviews get you down, we can help!