If you have some vacant residences in your community, chances are you want to fill them up and do so quickly. Curb appeal can be your best weapon against resident vacancies, and attract all sort of valued attention to your community and your brand. At Occupancy Solutions, we want to break down a few curb appeal tips that can attract residents into wanting to know a whole lot more about the lifestyle you offer:

  • Go online – When people thing of curb appeal, they usually think of in-person curb appeal first. While that’s important, just about 88% of people look online first when seeking out a new place to call home. Wait until you have some great light, shoot in your residences and around your community grounds, and upload photos on to social media with informative and welcoming captions. Show off your curb appeal to a wider audience, and attract interest in what you have to offer.
  • Put yourself in the buyer’s mindset – Look at your community like a prospective resident would, and put yourself in their shoes. Walk around the entire area, even inside some vacant residences, and take note of everything that looks off or detracts you from wanting to sign a lease yourself. Prioritize these things for repair or renovation, and use your own eye as your best curb appeal tool.
  • Invest in new numbers – It’s amazing the impact that something so small can have, but stylish and shiny new door numbers can really make a curb appeal difference. Especially if your residence numbers can be seen from the street or sidewalk, find a new and modern style and give them a bit of an upgrade. You’ll be impressed by the simple welcoming facelift it provides.
  • Bring in an outsider – If you have friends or family no associated with your community, bring them in for their opinions. Take them on a walkthrough with a notepad and pen and have them jot down anything that turns them off to hypothetically taking up residence there. When they’re done, collect their notes and see what they think could use improvement.
  • Go all-in with lighting – Lighting inside residences and around the community area make an invaluable impact. Good light makes people feel safe and at home, and a well-lit environment looks good whether you’re looking to attract local in-person attention or attention through online listings.

We know the importance of curb appeal at OccupancySolutions.com, and what it can do to bring new residents in and drop those vacancy numbers. To learn more about curb appeal and your community, simply contact us today.