Finding the right members for your property management team can be stressful. There are lots of things to consider and questions to be asked. Having a system to screen potential employees makes the process fair and unbiased. We’ve got a few tips for you to help lighten the load.

Involve The Whole Team

If you are looking to add someone to your team, involve the rest of the team in the decision making process. The great thing about having multiple people look at a situation is that someone else might see something that you missed. If everyone is going to be working together, it is best to check compatibility among team members and make sure that everyone can get along and work together. It may cost you a little bit of money to pay your team members to show up to the interview, but it will be worth it in the long run to make sure that they can function together.

Screen For Function, Not Just Brainpower

Someone who is a functional fit for the position will have the skills and knowledge to do the job you need done. A test is not always the way to find out if they have the skill you are looking for. In an interview, many people get nervous and are unable to perform under pressure. Don’t waste your time trying out brain teasers or puzzles. Instead, give them a real life opportunity to show you their skills. Ask them questions that pertain to the job you are offering, or have them show you how they would fix a problem. By giving real life situations, you can see how they would actually handle the situation.

Assess How They Fit Into The Company Culture

In order to maintain a positive image, your company needs a set of values and a culture. People will come to know and trust that culture, so having all of your team members on board is important. Check to see how your potential employee stacks up to the company culture. Do they fit in? Or do they have a completely different agenda or set of morals? Ask them how they perform in team situations with other people and how they might handle a disagreement. Finding out the answers to these questions up front will save you a lot of hassle later.

Finding the right fit for your team can take some time. But avoiding the headache that comes with hiring the wrong team member is also very important. Take your time and screen potential employees so that you don’t end up with a bad situation. If you are looking for more ideas about how to run a property management team, check out Occupancy Solutions. We’ve got ideas straight from the top to help you develop and run your business smoothly.