Managing residences and communities is a competitive sort of business, and learning to outsell your competition is one way you can ensure you’ll remain relevant and successful. At Occupancy Solutions, we’re here to help you with outselling your competition, and we have ideas that you can use to make sure your community stands out above all others. 

First, you’ll want to make sure your community is up to par with those you’re competing with. If the local communities you consider your competition have updated properties with amenities to offer, and your community could use some updating, you can’t expect to compete effectively. For this reason, you’ll need to maintain and update your community in order to compete on a base level with your competition, and woo potential residents just as easily. 

Outselling your competition will also be about putting yourself out there, and you can’t expect to compete even if you are on par with your competition if your audience doesn’t know you’re there. Marketing your community online in local groups, through social media, and using your website can also help greatly in outselling your competition, as you present yourself as competition to the other communities within the region. 

When targeting a local audience, marketing your community can also be done using local ads, newspapers, and bulletin boards, and you’ll be placing yourself just where you want to be in terms of who you’re reaching. When competing with other communities, your goal will be to reach the local audience who may be considering those you’re competing with, and this method of marketing your community will be drawing the attention of these exact individuals. 

Offering perks or thinking outside of the box can also help you to outsell your competition, and this works by providing local people with something that puts you a step above the other community they may have been considering. Community trips, amenities, and perks included in their lease can be just enough to cause prospective residents to drop their interest in another community in favor of yours. 

We at Occupancy Solutions know how high the competition is in the community management field, and we want you to know that you can put yourself ahead with some careful planning, creative thinking, and effective marketing. To learn more methods you can use to outsell your competition, check us out at today.