Your management team has a huge impact on the success of your community. Everything from resident retention to overall happiness with the community are all affected by your management, and how residents respond to management and their management style. A few tips for building a successful community management team are:

  • Make your expectations known – Expectations are a big part of creating a great community management team. Everyone on this team should know exactly what is expected of them, from their availability to what the everyday has in store, and how these expectations serve the greater good of the community as a whole. With these expectations known, the team can work to live up to and exceed them for a successful experience. 
  • Prioritize communication – As with any team, communication should always be a top priority. Not just how your team communicates with one another, but how they communicate with the community as well, should be a focus of expectations, training, and general day to day tasks. Without communication, your goals will not and cannot be expected to move forward. 
  • Set up your framework – Without a sturdy framework of policies and procedures, you cannot expect everyone in your management team to be on the same page. What you don’t want is one management team member going about something one way, while another goes about the same situation in another, creating an unbalanced work environment and living environment for your community residents. Policies and procedures should be crafted and decided upon before the first community management employee is hired. 
  • Focus on your vision – Having a vision in mind and goals to achieve as you work toward that vision gives your community management team something to work towards together. Perhaps your vision has to do with retention numbers, maybe it’s a marketing goal, or maybe it’s a combination of a variety of factors, but having one is the most important. It’s also important to note that your vision can change, develop, and grow as time goes on. 

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