One of the most powerful tools you can use in closing on a residence in your community is the connection. When a prospective resident feels connected to you, they’re more likely to feel good about the decision they’re making and closing on a lease, but learning how to connect with various prospective residents can be tough. 5 ways to connect with prospective residents on the close are:

1.    Pros and cons

One way to connect with prospective residents on the close and “get real” with them at the same time is by a bit of a pros and cons list. Start out with the pros of leasing and how they pertain to the prospective resident’s wants and needs, then finish off with a few cons along with some solutions that can take care of those concerns. Finish off with a positive statement and with a direct question regarding the close.

2.    The urgent close

The urgent close can be another way to connect, and connect now, with prospective residents and leads. Have materials ready that show the increase in costs or popularity of your community in recent years, and show them that closing now is to their benefit with numbers in front of them.

3.    Use empathy

If a prospective resident is unsure, using empathy can be a great connection tool. Explain to the prospective resident of a time that you were unsure on a lease or another decision, but going for it turned to work out in your favor. Not only does this connect on a personal level, but it helps to assuage their fears or concerns.

4.    Focus on any single issue

If the prospective resident has a single issue with the closing, get personal and work on the issue together. Focus on what can be done to remedy the problem, and show your level of care by pulling out all the stops to solve it.

5.    The sum-up

Sum up close sees you with the prospective resident, and summing up all the details surrounding the close in a sure, confident, and positive manner. What this does is connects you to the prospective buyer as a confident and trustworthy management team, and helps them to feel secure in their decision to close.

At Occupancy Solutions, we want you to truly connect with your residents from the close and going forward. To learn more about closing the connection, simply contact us today.