Managing a community effectively can be difficult, and because of this, it’s easy to get lost in your own time. Soon, you can find yourself really falling out of your healthy work/life balance, as you’re doing community related tasks here and there, without much time allotted for yourself. At Occupancy Solutions we know that the best community management teams are those who take the time they need to refocus, and we want to outline 5 ways you can better manage your time while managing your community:

1.    Go list – Lists are your best friend, or they at least should be. The first thing you should do in the morning, or the last thing you should do before going home for the night, is to create a list. Within this list, write all of the expected tasks you’ll have throughout the day, all the things you’d like to get accomplished, and make sure to leave room in your schedule for anything that might pop up without expectation. 

2.    Prioritize – Next, after your list is written, you’ll want to prioritize. Make sure your most important tasks are set in solid time frames, and keep them at the forefront. With smaller tasks, leave these at the end of the priority list, and if they’re not accomplished in that day, perhaps put them at a little higher priority tomorrow!

3.    Use your team – Your community management team is there to help you, and if there are tasks that others can accomplish accordingly, allow them to do it. Having trust in your team to help when they’re needed, and to do a good job, is important, and it can make a huge difference in how you manage your work and your life. 

4.    Do one thing at a time – Beginning one task, abandoning it, and starting another task is harmful to your time management. Essentially, you’ll get into one headspace, leave it, and then go on to another, only to have to return later on. In order to use your time most efficiently, stick to one task at a time. 

5.    Make use of the morning – Several studies have shown that people are most productive in the morning, or that span of time before lunch. Use this time to make good on your priorities, and get them out of the way with that focused morning energy burst. 

community manager questions about better managing their time. If you’ve ever wondered how you could be better spending your time, simply check us out at today!