In today’s modern social media age, no brand can afford to go without Facebook. When prospective residents, customers, patrons, or any interested party looks up a brand on the internet, they’ll often look for a website, reviews, an a Facebook page as their online base of what the brand is all about.

For property management teams, this means that you can no longer afford to go without Facebook when looking to branch out to new prospective residents, and it’s time to learn how to make your brand’s Facebook page successful. 5 tips for using Facebook to socially market your community are:

1.    Connect with other local businesses – Connecting either through fan pages or Facebook friendships with other local businesses is a great way to place yourself into the community you’re a part of and get your name out there to the local audiences you’re looking to reach. When local people look up their favorite eats, haunts, or hangout spots, they’ll also see your community, helping them to organically generate interest in your brand. 

2.    Start a fan page – Creating a fan page for your business is an easy way to make your content available on a wider scale. A regular “friend” page will make your content exclusive to only friends, while fans will be more able to share what you share far and wide. Audiences can become fans of your page without any approval from you, allowing them to follow you at their leisure. 

3.    Mix up your content – Mixing up your content is key to keeping things interesting. Rather than only making posts pertaining to open residences and your brand, also share lifestyle tips and other content that is relevant to the audience you most want to reach. This can be things like home tips, local events, recipes, or even interesting local facts of the day. 

4.    Advertise your Facebook – Make your presence on Facebook known to those who see your community while out and about. Encourage interested prospects to visit your Facebook first to get a feel of the type of lifestyle and community you provide. 

5.    Encourage feedback – Encouraging feedback via Facebook not only gives your current community members a way to reach out, but prospective interested parties a way to see the type of care you put into managing the community as a whole.