Great closing techniques are what are going to turn your visits into leases, and it can really pay to adopt a few quality techniques that have a high tendency of positive conversions. When closing the deal, you’ll want to create an experience of confidence, trust, and personal attention, and using phrases that convey these emotions are always recommended. 

The first thing you’ll want to do is make what you say personal, and one great technique to use is asking visitors if they’d like to head out and take a look at their new home! When a prospective resident comes to visit and view a residence, after meeting with them in your office first, you can transition from this setting to the residence setting while leaving a great personal impression by saying “So, are you ready to see your new home?” What this does is not only make things personal and friendly, but places the thought in their head that this could be the new place they call home. 

Next, you’ll want to see how they feel about the residence while they’re in it, and discuss with them how their lifestyle would fit in with your community. Saying things like “How would your furniture look in this room?” or “How would you like having dinner with all of this natural light?” keeps the positive conversation going while also placing in their head the thought of how well their life would work within the home. 

prospective residents go on their way. If they suggest waiting a little while to think things over, suggest holding the residence for them for a few days, and say that that’s all you can guarantee because of high interest. Another way to go about this technique is also to ask if they wish to apply for the residence or put down a deposit right away, because you won’t be able to guarantee the home will be available for long. 

Closing the deal for a lease is the ultimate goal of a visit, and these techniques can help you to make that positive conversion a little more likely. At, we know the importance of making visitors new members of your community, and to learn more about great closing techniques, simply contact us today!